Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle

A Christmas Story Live! Offers a Different Take of the Holiday Classic

A Christmas Story Live! is a major award for fans of the holiday classic who enjoy musicals.

Oh, Fudge! It’s A Christmas Story by Nashville Repertory Theatre!

Per Matt Long before Deadpool broke through the fourth wall on the big screen, little Ralphie Parker was yearning for a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and “this thing which… Continue Reading →

12 Anti-Christmas Movies of Christmas

Every December, television is awash with saccharine and joyous Christmas-themed entertainment, which is sometimes perfectly fine. But sometimes you just want to revel in darkness and despair, even during the most wonderful time of the year. With that in mind,… Continue Reading →

A Christmas Story Presented by Nashville Repertory Theatre

Per Matt You may remember the major award, Aunt Clara’s ridiculous Christmas present, the schoolyard bully with yellow eyes, the unique Christmas meal and the triple-dog dare, but seeing it all, come to life on stage is an incredible experience… Continue Reading →

A Christmas Story

Is it remotely possible to improve upon the movie version of A Christmas Story? It is an-almost perfect screwball family holiday movie, one which normally airs for 24 straight hours on Turner Network Television. One which I usually watch, or… Continue Reading →

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