Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag regional beer

Previewing the Beer, Bacon and Bourbon Festival

Per Matt This week, craft beer, bacon and bourbon will unite for a unique festival in Middle Tennessee. On Saturday, March 5th, The Factory will host Franklin’s Beer, Bacon and Bourbon Festival from 5 to 9 PM.

Beer with a Brewmaster: Rich Kilcullen

Per Matt Whenever sour beers are mentioned, a certain funk comes to mind that’s all the rage in the craft-beer culture these days. Living in the South, one of the most well-known producers of sour beers is Wicked Weed Brewing…. Continue Reading →

Previewing Science of Beer at Nashville’s Adventure Science Center

Per Matt A long time ago, in a brewery far, far away, Nashville’s Adventure Science Center fused science and craft-beer together, creating a one-of-a-kind beer festival that celebrates local and American craft beer in a fun and educational event.

Previewing Mafiaoza’s Music City Brewer’s Festival

Per Matt Attention Nashville craft-beer aficionados: One of the biggest beer festivals of the country will soon return to the Music City!

Science of Beer 2014

Per Matt Learning has never been more fun (or tasty) than at the Science of Beer event!

Beer with a Brewmaster: Garr Schwartz

Per Matt Garr Schwartz is the Brewmaster and one of the two founders of Tennessee Brew Works. After growing up in Nashville, he left for college and returned in 2003 with a vision of brewing great craft beer for the… Continue Reading →

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