Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Sam Mendes

The End is Imperfect, But Memorable

Years ago, I had a dream so vivid it felt like reality. In this unsettling scenario, my morning began like any other — except my favorite drink, a crisp white can of Monster Energy Zero, was nowhere to be found…. Continue Reading →

City of Angels Brings Folklore, Conspiracies and Cults to Penny Dreadful

Per Matt As soon as a prophecy declares that “a time will come when race will devour race, when brother will kill brother, until not a soul is left” in the Penny Dreadful season premiere, “Santa Muerte,” I knew I… Continue Reading →

Oscar Voters Finally Saw the Light

In case you missed the 92nd Academy Awards, you’re not alone. Presented by the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences and airing last night on the ABC network, the awards ceremony that spent more than three hours patting itself… Continue Reading →

1917 Stands Tall as the Big Winner of Music City Film Critics’ Association Film Awards

Per Matt Yesterday, the Music City Film Critics’ Association 2019 Film Awards released its end-of-year list and 1917 stood tall, leading all award-winning films with five awards, including wins for Best Picture, Best Director – Sam Mendes, Best Sound, Best Cinematography… Continue Reading →

Music City Film Critics’ Association Nominates the Top Movies of 2019

Per Matt The nominations are in and Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood leads the way for the Music City Film Critics in 2019.

1917 is Bloody, Beautiful and Bloody Violent

Per Matt I’m not exactly sure when I started to really enjoy watching war movies, but anything involving World War I has absolutely intrigued me for a long time. Maybe it’s the fact that my Great Granddaddy was a veteran… Continue Reading →

What Happened to James Bond?

Per Matt Based on Ian Fleming’s novels and short stories, the James Bond movie franchise has endured for 53 years, grossing more than $6 billion to date. But with the release of Spectre, the film franchise seems to be heading… Continue Reading →

Redbox Rental: Skyfall

Per Matt I can’t seem to leave you, Bond. Even when I try. Inevitably, I return.

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