Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Scott Frank

Hulu’s No Exit Is As Thrilling As It Is Chilling

Is it just me, or has winter been particularly painful this year? Here in Tennessee, we have pretty much had every season within a few short hours. One day I woke, and it was warm and sunny, then it turned… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Logan

Per Matt What would the Wolverine film franchise look like, had Marvel not sold off the big-screen rights to the popular comic book character? And would Marvel Studios have EVER taken the chance to tell the tale known as Logan?

Logan is a Violent and Emotional Accomplishment

There was a time when the superhero genre felt like it was all a big experiment, from one film to the next. Superman movies emerged as early as 1951, and up until around 2000, every Marvel and DC release had… Continue Reading →

Redbox Review: The Wolverine

Nothing rings in the new year quite like a pair of adamantium claws… SNIKT!

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