Much like Syfy’s advertisement screaming about the recently aired over-the-top tropical horror movie, I also wondered, “What took so long to come up with this?”
Leviathan. The Kraken. Moby Dick. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Jaws. Shark Week. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. Sharknado. The Shallows. 47 Meters Down. The Meg. And Aquaman will release later this year. Throughout the years, good stories that… Continue Reading →
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Svengoolie Brings Horror and Sci-Fi Cult Classics to Life
B-movies. Horror films. And prehistoric science fiction all the way through the Z-movies, Svengoolie has hosted many on his TV show, which airs every Saturday night on MeTV. If you like watching classic movies with a side of cheesy jokes,… Continue Reading →