Per Matt What would the Wolverine film franchise look like, had Marvel not sold off the big-screen rights to the popular comic book character? And would Marvel Studios have EVER taken the chance to tell the tale known as Logan?
With former FBI Director James Comey testifying last Tuesday about possible Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. election, it may seem as though the Cold War had never ended. The conflict between the USSR and the United States and other… Continue Reading →
It had been a long time since I had stood in line in a Barnes & Noble at midnight. In fact, it had been almost a decade, and it had been for the very same beloved book series: Harry Potter. With… Continue Reading →
Per Matt “In a world where evil has many faces, hope has just one: Frank Black.” For three years, Millennium pushed every boundary as a television series from 1996 to 1999. Hard to describe using only a few words, it… Continue Reading →