Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag spoof

The Fall Guy Doesn’t Know What It Is

Growing up in the ’80s was a time of vibrant, iconic television shows that left a lasting impression on my childhood. Among these, The Fall Guy stood out as one of my absolute favorites. I was enthralled by Lee Majors’… Continue Reading →

What Happens When The Devil’s Partner Meets the Creature from the Haunted Sea?

Per Matt Comparing a demonic, small-town shapeshifter to a team of seafaring monsters of different varieties on a deadly treasure hunt probably doesn’t sound like two similar movies, but all of the aforementioned characters are definitely bloodthirsty. Murder knows no… Continue Reading →

The Simpsons’ Parasite: Treehouse of Horror

Per Matt Did you happen to catch “Treehouse of Horror XXXII” last week? Airing during Season 33, episode 709 touched on some killer satire to go along with the spooky season. In what has become an annual highlight of The… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty’s Excellent 16-Bit Adventure

Per Matt Season 5 of Rick and Morty has arrived, bringing more galactic adventures to our favorite mad scientist and his grandson. The season premiere reveals Rick’s actually got a nemesis who goes by the name of Mr. Nimbus, a… Continue Reading →

Horror Movies Become Must-See TV

It seems like the new trend in horror television is to take great horror films and turn them into TV shows.

Giving Superheores The Middle Finger: Troma Unveils A New Film

Welcome back to another #hauntlife blog. And again, I am doing what I love: Watching movies and giving my unbiased ideas about how great or not so great certain films are. And along the way, I may get off track,… Continue Reading →


Welcome back to this edition of #hauntlife. This is Jason Kittrell, owner of Kittrell Entertainment. Sit right back and you’ll hear a tale. May not be fateful, but it will be nonetheless entertaining.

Stan Against Evil Delivers Off-Beat Humor in a Horror Setting

My first thought, when I discovered Stan Against Evil, was the title reminded me of the horror spoof Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. Honestly, they could both be found in the same universe, with their flippant comedic styles. Another curious… Continue Reading →

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