Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Starburns Industries

Rick and Morty Asks, “Who’s Who?”

After what seemed to be a throw-away line of dialogue, almost like a joke, that aired last season on Rick and Morty, it was never really addressed. Would Beth, the matriarch of the Smith family, allow her father, the mad… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty’s Return Means All’s Well in the World

Just in case you’ve been hiding under a rock for 770 days, it’s been two long, very long years since the last new episode of Rick and Morty aired. Several days ago, that terrible record ended with the season premiere… Continue Reading →

70 More Episodes, Morty!!!

Two months ago, I got into a social media dispute that ended with me blocking some random person because the person was insistent that Rick and Morty was cancelled. In your face, random social media dude. Rick and Morty is… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty Beyond Thunderdome

In a Mad Max-like wasteland, Morty and Summer find ways to take their minds off their parents’ divorce while adventuring with their mad scientist grandpa, Rick.

Rick and Morty Season 3 Airs On…

Sunday, July 30th, Rick and Morty Season 3 will air at 11:30 pm E.S.T.

April Fools’ Day Prank Gives Observant Fans a Rick and Morty Surprise

Wubba lubba dub dub! 

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