Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag steven yeun amc the walking dead best actor

Minari Deserves Oscar Consideration

Per Matt Just in case you’ve been wondering whatever happened to the actor who previously portrayed Glenn Rhee in AMC’s The Walking Dead, take note: He’s been pretty busy lately, racking up some hard-earned success along the way. And the… Continue Reading →

Steven Yeun Finds Hard-Earned Success After Walking Dead

Per Matt Can you believe that it’s been almost four years already since Glenn Rhee was written out of The Walking Dead? It happened during a major event on the hit TV show. Not only was Negan introduced in a… Continue Reading →

Why Have Ratings Declined for The Walking Dead? The AMC Chief Knows…

How far has The Walking Dead fallen? Once the basic-cable king of the world, with ratings fading on the undead mothership, the AMC network chief pinpoints the exact moment the TV show jumped the shark, er, walker…

The Walking Dead: Triggerfinger

SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! ————————————————— Get ready for another thrill ride. Lori’s concern for others — and depicting a map properly — has left her car upended. Frank’s concern for others — and the safety of Herschel’s Farm — has led… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: Secrets

SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! ———————————————— Glenn’s back, but not in a good way. In the beginning, it was the Glenn Knows Everyone’s Secret Episode, although he was still being employed as a delivery boy (retrieving pharmaceuticals and peaches, but still no… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: Season One

After watching The Walking Dead marathon, I’ve thrown together a few thoughts on the way-too-brief, six-episode Season One. While the season had its ups and downs; it’s definitely not perfect, but it’s something to build upon. I’m happy it was… Continue Reading →

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