Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Super Soldiers

2058 Zombie Island: The Zombie Hunters | A #HauntLife Review

Greetings, all! Welcome back to another episode of #HauntLife. As always, I am your fearless blogger, Jason, delving deep into the world of the strange and unusual. And let me tell you, this week’s video review fits right into the… Continue Reading →

Captain America: Civil War From a #TeamCap Perspective

Per Matt As if employing a Choose Your Own Adventure marketing campaign, Captain America: Civil War promotes itself as a movie where superheroes are fighting superheroes and you, the viewer, must choose a side. It’s catchy and effective, but ultimately, it boils… Continue Reading →

Remembering The X-Files

Per Matt Very rarely — if ever — a TV show will arrive at just the right time that speaks to an entire generation. With elements of science fiction, horror, fantasy, mystery, intrigue, drama and even romance, The X-Files sparked… Continue Reading →

The X-Files Season 10: Vol. 1

As The X-Files ended its nine-year TV run with a whimper, I wanted to believe the show would be rebuilt into a series of successful movies. While that’s not necessarily the case, IDW Publishing has taken the reins to the… Continue Reading →

Halo 2

When a ground-breaking video game explodes onto the pop-culture scene, validates a brand-new console and spins-off seven sequels, it’s considered a success. But when Halo 2 was released in 2004, all previous records were shattered and it changed the world of… Continue Reading →

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