Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag tabletop games

Secret Level Ambitiously Honors Gaming of All Formats

Warhammer 40,000 is the current hobby of choice in my household, rekindling a passion that began in the 1990s when the game was first released. Back then, I was captivated by the intricate miniatures, deep strategy and rich lore, but… Continue Reading →

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is a Worthy RPG Film

I have been a fan of role-playing games (RPGs) for many years. For those not in the know, an RPG is a game where players take on the persona of the character they are playing. You can become a galaxy-renowned… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Grand Ole Gameroom Expo

This weekend, it’s game time in Tennessee! Middle Tennessee celebrates the gamer lifestyle as the Grand Ole Gameroom Expo brings pinball machines, video games, tabletop games and more to the newly renovated Franklin Marriott Cool Springs on November 11th to… Continue Reading →

Welcome New Writer: Holly

Hello out there! My name is Holly and I’ve been a geek all my life. As it turns out, it wasn’t just a phase (much to my parents chagrin) and I’m stuck this way forever. This is totally cool with… Continue Reading →

Impressions of a First-Time Dragon Con Attendee

“What’s your favorite fandom?”

Surviving Outside SDCC 2014

Per Matt Ever wonder if it’s possible to attend San Diego Comic-Con International and have a good time… without ever setting foot inside the Convention Center?

MTAC Interview: LittleKuriboh

Per Matt Martin Billany, aka LittleKuriboh, visited the Media Suite at the 2014 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention for an interview discussing starting a trend (and creating many imitators in the process) with Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series, his first serious video… Continue Reading →

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