Per Matt As Phase 3 unfolds for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the superhero movies that were once grounded within our own reality take a new direction. With the introduction of Doctor Strange, filmgoers take a trippy adventure exploring alternate dimensions through magic… Continue Reading →
Per Matt In terms of concept, Sausage Party isn’t the most bizarre movie of all time, but it is unique. And that’s saying something for this film by Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and all their friends, which is being labeled… Continue Reading →
To everyone’s knowledge, the superhero genre has become a booming staple of on-screen entertainment from the start of the new millennium. Almost every superhero from every publisher has gotten his or her screen time at one point or another, throughout… Continue Reading →
Season 3 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has brought new challenges for the spy organization. Picking up where the series left off last year, the Terrigen mist that dissolved in the ocean and was distributed throughout the world via fish… Continue Reading →