Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag The Vietnam War

George Romero’s Amusement Park is an Uncomfortable Look at the Elderly

Director George Romero may have passed away in 2017, but his legacy lives on. Most people will know the legendary director as the father of Zombies, with his Night of the Living Dead movies being iconic horror films. Other Romero… Continue Reading →

Aaron Sorkin Spins Netflix’s Trial of the Chicago 7

Let it not be said that Hollywood won’t find a way to take dark moments in world events and turn them as they see fit. Right or wrong, film writers and producers typically have a long leash when it comes… Continue Reading →

Delroy Lindo Aims For Gold in Da 5 Bloods

Per Matt “After you’ve been in a war, you realize it never really ends. Whether it’s in your mind or reality, it’s just degrees.” As a fan of wartime movies all of my life, I’ve come to expect complicated character… Continue Reading →

Time Traveling Via Eating History

Per Matt It seems that time travel is actually real! A new television series, Eating History, actually takes viewers back in time as the two hosts attempt to eat the oldest and most shocking foods, drinks and condiments that are… Continue Reading →

Ghost Stories: Tales As Old As Time

Ghost stories are my favorite kind of stories.

Remembering Art Bell’s Legacy

Per Matt Friday the 13th usually occurs twice a year, generally conjuring up a variety of meanings to different people, including unlucky superstitions, religious connotations and even a horror movie franchise. But after Friday, April 13th will sadly include a… Continue Reading →

Joe’s Top 5 Favorites of 2017

2017 was an outstanding year in film. Sure, the year ended on a disappointment — I’m looking at you, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But think of all the wonderful movies, like Wonder Woman, this year has given us. Fans of… Continue Reading →

The Vietnam War By Ken Burns Tells the True Horror Story of the Real Walking Dead

Hey, millennials and other kids born after 1980 (1970, actually), here’s a real-life horror film for you. I know you have a short attention span, so maybe an 18-hour “deep dive” into The Vietnam War may not sound like something… Continue Reading →

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