Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag timed decisions

Dark Nuns Prepare for Pressing Possessions

Back in high school, there was this one teacher who had a habit of giving pop quizzes that weren’t just difficult, they were downright unfair. One day, a friend of mine (who will remain nameless) — who was barely passing… Continue Reading →

Liam Neeson Gets Vengeance on The Ice Road

Per Matt Ever since Ice Road Truckers premiered on the History Channel in 2007, I’ve been a fan of snowy programming that took my mind off the summertime humidity while living in the South. This is just one reason I… Continue Reading →

Wrapping Up The Walking Dead: A New Frontier — Episodes 4 and 5

In closing this series, we will discuss more about the relationships of the characters and theorize about how this storyline might affect the TV show.

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier PC Game Review

Welcome back to a new edition of #HauntLife. This week, sit back and check out my review of Telltale Game’s The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. I played it on PC through Steam, but it is also available on all… Continue Reading →

Telltale’s ‘Guardians’ Flight Suffers Some Drag

Console: check. Controller: check. Game: check. Slow-moving story: check. Clunky controls: check. Bizarre combination of stop-motion and robotic character movements: check. I really want, deep in my Guardians of the Galaxy loving soul, to like the Telltale Games approach to… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: Michonne Pulls You In and Never Lets Go

The Walking Dead. The phenomenon that has captured the world in its own little form of the Apocalypse. Can’t go to my local comic book shop without seeing the graphic novels, toys and other merchandise. Can’t log into Facebook with… Continue Reading →

Telltale Games: The Walking Dead

If you had to make a tough-and-terrible decision that would alter your entire universe, how would you react? Could you react quickly and not worry about the repercussions? Or would you take your time, calmly thinking it through, while the… Continue Reading →

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