Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag trained killer

Mike Tyson Knocks Out Shark Week

Per Matt Throughout the years, I’ve really learned a couple of things about my entertainment interests. I will ALWAYS prefer a story told within a snowy location to any other and I will normally be fully entertained when dealing with… Continue Reading →

Nat Geo’s SharkFest Bites!

Hunt. Kill. Eat or be eaten. What’s a summer without sharks? Since many movie theaters are currently closed to the general public (yet there’s still no sequel to The Meg) and my main source of entertainment being basic cable (not… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Blood Fest

Are horror fans really afraid of the dark? More importantly, would they be able to accurately follow the rules of the genre in order to survive homicidal maniacs, vampires, killer clowns and Zombies on the prowl for blood? Fandoms, pop-culture… Continue Reading →

American Ultra

Per Matt As one big mash-up, American Ultra never seems to fully explore each genre it employs.

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