Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag video game tournaments

Gearing Up for Halo, the TV Series

I still remember when Halo 2 came out. I was working at EB Games at the time and we had a midnight launch for the title. I had played Halo with many of my friends, at many of their houses…. Continue Reading →

Visiting Game Galaxy Retro Arcade

Per Matt I took a trip down memory lane when I visited Game Galaxy retro arcade in Hickory Hollow last weekend.

Previewing Wizard World Nashville Comic Con 2013

Per Matt This weekend, Stan Lee, Norman Reedus, The Incredible Hulk and The Fonz will all be appearing in the Music City (along with many others) at Wizard World Nashville Comic Con 2013.

The Girls of Gam3rcon Interview: Lauren Selman and Annalice Heinz

Per Matt Starting today, Wednesday July 17th, Gam3rcon, the premier gaming convention that brings gamers and pop-culture fans together, begins with a Preview Night at the 10th Avenue Theatre, featuring a massive rooftop paint party. Video games, tabletop game, comedy,… Continue Reading →

ScoreCon 3 Preview

We, at Zombies In My Blog, are big video game fans. And it should be noted, we’re also pretty big Zombie fans, as well. So, it’s a natural to be doubly excited to be attending ScoreCon 3 this weekend in… Continue Reading →

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