Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag zombie herd

We Are Zombies is Screaming Now on Screambox!

Is the Zombie genre being resurrected from the dead? The Walking Dead ran Zombies (back) into the ground with eight seasons. We’ve seen a couple of spinoff shows this year: The Ones Who Live and Daryl Dixon, Zelda Williams’ Lisa… Continue Reading →

Fear Dropped the Bomb on The Walking Dead…

The End may only be the Beginning… but within The Walking Dead Universe, everything is connected. So, the main point for everyone involved is to just survive somehow, before we meet again next year. But before we get ahead of… Continue Reading →

Zack Snyder Cuts a New Franchise With Army of the Dead

Per Matt Army of the Dead has brought a lot of anticipation for horror fans who have wanted to see some new blood injected into the Zombie subgenre (even though Zack Snyder previously directed the great Dawn of the Dead… Continue Reading →

Life After Superheroes: Does Zack Snyder Need a Career Reboot?

Per Matt Tweaking comics canon for the big screen can be a tricky business. Whenever filmmakers alter beloved storylines by many, the fanboys and fangirls who grew up with those characters will generally speak out, while holding nothing back. They… Continue Reading →

Killing Off Fear’s Best Character Does Mean Something

Per Matt I’m not gonna lie: I got very emotional after watching Fear the Walking Dead‘s mid season premiere, “The Door.”

Maggie Returns to TWD, While The Reapers Wreak Havoc

Secrets, secrets are no fun… Secrets, secrets hurt someone. Maggie’s back! The Whisperers have been silenced! But now a new menace is terrorizing the survivors, as The Walking Dead returned with a continuation of Season 10 (affectionately labeled as 10-C)… Continue Reading →

Keeping Up With The Walking Dead is Killing Me!

Per Matt Robert Kirkman managed to squeeze a whole lot of storylines into 193 issues of The Walking Dead comic book series (How Do You Wrap Up a Never-Ending Zombie Story?). Through 10 seasons, it feels like the AMC Network… Continue Reading →

Seoul Station Should Be Renamed “Generic Cash-Grab Zombie Movie”

For those of you who read my articles, you know that while I am critical of films, I also try to remove my own bias and rate films for what they are. Many times I have found myself hating a… Continue Reading →

Of Mutating Zombie Viruses and Redcon-1 Storylines

Per Matt During these harrowing times of the COVID-19 pandemic, I turn to survival horror in order to somehow make it through the day. So, I was actually looking forward to finally watching Redcon-1, a British Zombie movie that was… Continue Reading →

Netflix Hidden Horror Gems: Train To Busan

Foreign horror films have never really been something I look forward to. Don’t get me wrong: there are many great directors and actors from countries outside the U.S. who make quality films (including horror). It’s just when I watch films… Continue Reading →

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