Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag 2K Games

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode Five – The Vault of the Traveler

Per Matt There’s plenty of surprises in store for Rhys, Fiona, Sasha and all the rest of the cast of characters as Tales from the Borderlands releases its season finale.

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode Four – Escape Plan Bravo

As the saying goes, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” So, when Rhys makes a deal with the devil (aka the hologram ghost of Handsome Jack), there will be plenty of opportunities to throw shade at his… Continue Reading →

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode Two – Atlas Mugged

Tales from the Borderlands returns with more thieves, conspirators and hustlers seeking untold riches in Episode Two: Atlas Mugged.

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode One – Zer0 Sum

Per Matt Pandora’s gotten a lot of activity, lately. Treasure hunters have descended upon the planet, searching for mysterious vaults that are rumored to be filled with immeasurable wealth. These Vault Hunters are a ruthless, rough-and-tumble bunch. They aptly set… Continue Reading →

Nicktoons MLB

Kiddie game? Check. Relatively easy achievements? Check. Cartoon characters mixed with sports figures to appeal to the masses?

MomoCon 2013: The Lost Photos

Per My Brother Although it was a successful weekend attending MomoCon 2013, it ended with a loss of camera and photos of the weekend. Luckily, the camera was successfully returned to its rightful owner. Behold the pictures that defined the… Continue Reading →

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