Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag A.R.M.O.R.

Marvel Zombies: Destroy!

How can the Marvel Zombies Universe get any more bizarre? Incorporate Nazi Zombies into the storyline and see what happens!

Marvel Zombies 5

Slowly but surely, the Marvel Zombies storyline is piecing itself together. Directly following the events of Marvel Zombies 4, Marvel Zombies begins with a familiar character, Machine Man. Also known as Agent Aaron Stack of A.R.M.O.R. (Alternate Reality Monitoring &… Continue Reading →

Marvel Zombies 4

Picking up where Marvel Zombies 3 left off, Morbius has gathered a group of anti-heroes to form the all-new Midnight Sons. Their mission: Hunt down and destroy all of the undead, and stop the two creatures who started it all,… Continue Reading →

Marvel Zombies 3

Will the zombie plague ever leave the Marvel superheros alone? No chance, since Marvel Zombies is big business for the comicbook publisher. Without warning, a perpindicular universe overlaps our own, and out pops Zombie Deadpool to spread the disease on… Continue Reading →

Marvel Zombies

It’s taken me a little bit, but I’m finally getting around to reviewing the complete collection of Marvel Zombies. In just over a two-week timespan, I collected each of the graphic novel collections up to current date, in a cross-country… Continue Reading →

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