Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag alternate reality

A Darker Mirror — Star Trek: Discovery’s Mid-Season Return

I’ve developed a real love-hate relationship with Star Trek: Discovery since it began this fall and it’s only become more nebulous as the series progresses. I am a huge Trekkie and I’ll even be the first to admit that I’ve… Continue Reading →

Battle Lines are Drawn as The Gifted Ends Season 1

“Nothing brings people together like hate.” That line of dialogue pretty much sums up the two-hour season finale of The Gifted.

Government Revelation Gives Proof That The Truth is Out There?

With the publication of The New York Time‘s bombshell report of a secret Pentagon UFO program, The X-Files is quickly transitioning from science fiction to science fact.

Marvel Mutates Source Material Into a Gifted TV Series

When a television pilot introduces a new series with characters who are, “a couple of freaks, same as you,” I immediately perked up. The Gifted had my full attention. Maybe this wasn’t going to be the generic teeny bopper-outsiders soap opera… Continue Reading →

I Turned Myself Into a Pickle! I’m Pickle Rick!

Why would anyone turn themself into a pickle?

Rick and Morty Beyond Thunderdome

In a Mad Max-like wasteland, Morty and Summer find ways to take their minds off their parents’ divorce while adventuring with their mad scientist grandpa, Rick.

Rick and Morty Season 3 Airs On…

Sunday, July 30th, Rick and Morty Season 3 will air at 11:30 pm E.S.T.

Rick and Morty’s Unexpected Return

In some kind of reverse April Fools’ Day prank, last night Cartoon Network aired a new episode of Rick and Morty. I found it completely by accident.

April Fools’ Day Prank Gives Observant Fans a Rick and Morty Surprise

Wubba lubba dub dub! 

Samurai Jack is Back From the Dead!

Jack is back. Back from the past. How ’bout that?

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