Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Aquaman

Zack Snyder’s Next Movie Fights the Undead

From superheroes to the Zombie Apocalypse, Zack Snyder has decided to build a new type of extended universe, as the next movie he will be directing and producing will feature Zombies.

Blumhouse to Revive Universal’s Classic Monster Movies

In a surprise announcement that seemed to come straight out of thin air, Blumhouse Productions announced the studio will revive Universal’s classic creature features, so where does that leave the Dark Universe?

Bumblebee: Too Much, Too Late?

It only took a little more than a decade to get a Transformers film for true fans and wider audiences, alike. The new film, Bumblebee, is a joy from start to finish, but is it too late to pile on… Continue Reading →

Joe’s Five Favorite Films of 2018

Superhero movies, thrilling horror films, actually funny comedies, soft reboots and sequels — 2018 was a good year for movies. I think my stack of ticket stubs from theaters is much larger compared to any of the past few years.

Aquaman Proves That Horror Filmmakers Should Get More Opportunities

Per Matt You don’t have to be a fan of superhero movies to enjoy Aquaman. You don’t have to read comics to enjoy Aquaman. And you’re not required to have seen any of James Wan’s horror movies to enjoy Aquaman… Continue Reading →

Aquaman: Diving Deep Into the Story

Unless you’d told me that James Cameron was really making the movie from Entourage Season 3, I never thought I would be this excited to see an Aquaman movie. The hero has often been the butt of jokes in shows… Continue Reading →

Diving Deep for a Horror Storyline

Leviathan. The Kraken. Moby Dick. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Jaws. Shark Week. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. Sharknado. The Shallows. 47 Meters Down. The Meg. And Aquaman will release later this year. Throughout the years, good stories that… Continue Reading →

The Power of Shazam!

I didn’t think this Shazam! movie would work. It has a horror director at the helm and up until now, the DCEU has been all gritty, all the time. I am not familiar with the screenwriter’s work and the story… Continue Reading →

Jason Momoa Battles the Wilderness and the Crown in Frontier

What’s more badass than a trident? How about wielding a knife and tomahawk?! If you can’t wait ’til Aquaman arrives in theaters this winter, might I recommend watching actor Jason Momoa in the series Frontier on Netflix.

Justice League: The Rise of Justice, Heroes and DC has Begun!

There are Justice League spoilers ahead. I’m giving you fair warning right now: There will be spoilers. I’ve tried writing this as spoiler free as possible, but some elements are going to crop up. So, if you’re afraid that one… Continue Reading →

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