Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Assembled: The Making of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts for A Different Man

A24’s A Different Man is essentially the male counterpart of The Substance. Both films explore the societal pressures on individuals and how these pressures influence our actions, particularly regarding our appearances. The Substance explores America’s obsession with life-altering drugs and… Continue Reading →

The Rings of Power is Not Your Father’s Lord of the Rings

Amazon Studios’ newest TV series, The Rings of Power, has been getting much attention. Like anything in the Internet Age, you either have to 100 percent hate or 100 percent love the show, as the Lords of Tweets and Outrage… Continue Reading →

Ms. Marvel Doesn’t Feel Marvelous

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been introducing audiences to both old and new characters for many years. We were gifted the initial treats of seeing fan favorites such as Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. Along with these iconic characters… Continue Reading →

Yes, It’s OK to Dislike Marvel’s Eternals

Ever since the Marvel Cinematic Universe was launched in 2008 with Iron Man, it has been almost impossible to find something wrong or unlikable about the series of films. With the likes of Captain America, Black Widow and Hulk, the… Continue Reading →

Black Widow Drives Home That MCU Phase 3 is Over

We all knew it was coming. The end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3 has technically been over ever since WandaVision made its debut on Disney+ earlier this year. It should shock no one that once Steve Rogers hung… Continue Reading →

Loki is the Buddy Cop Show You Never Knew You Needed

Disney has been on a roll during the pandemic with their new television shows based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since making epic, high-budget films was not something Hollywood could do much of during 2020, these shows help keep the… Continue Reading →

Digital Extras Bring Additional Value to Disney Plus

Per Matt I’ve enjoyed watching Pixar animated films at movie theaters for a long time, now, starting with Toy Story. And as a life-long fan of comic books, I haven’t missed any of the big-screen entries into the Marvel Cinematic… Continue Reading →

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