Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag awards shows

Why Have Ratings Declined for The Walking Dead? The AMC Chief Knows…

How far has The Walking Dead fallen? Once the basic-cable king of the world, with ratings fading on the undead mothership, the AMC network chief pinpoints the exact moment the TV show jumped the shark, er, walker…

Brevity is No Virtue: Rewarding Elongated Movies

Per Matt When you’re a famous writer-director-producer working on a big-named project, sometimes the biggest enemy of a filmmaker can be yourself. Quite a few of the most-anticipated movies of 2019 have been longer than necessary for audiences to endure…. Continue Reading →

I Lost My Body Reaches for Recognition

Per Matt I Lost My Body is an animated love letter from a severed hand to its missing body. Sounds like an odd art-house horror story, yeah? Actually, it’s an award-winning film from France that’s reaching out for recognition as… Continue Reading →

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