Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag bug out situation

The Strangers Prey at Night is My Guilty Pleasure

Per Matt The ’80s will never die. Long live the ’80s! Director Johannes Roberts seemingly agreed with that statement, as his feature film, The Strangers: Prey at Night, much like so many other killer releases today, owe way too much… Continue Reading →

Lightning 100 Presents: Paranormal Rocktivity Halloween Bash

Per Matt Nashville’s about to get really funky for Halloween! Lightning 100 presents the Paranormal Rocktivity Halloween Bash on Saturday, October 28 at Marathon Music Works. The Concert will feature Here Come the Mummies and DJ Johny Jackson’s Ghoul Satisfaction.

What’s for Dinner When the World Ends?

When the world is running down, how will you fend for yourself? Will you starve to death or will your years of preparation finally pay off? The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse offers not only easy-to-follow food-preparation recipes… Continue Reading →

Dragon Con Interview: Shannon Chesnut

Per Matt Perish the thought, but if there’s ever a global disaster taking place in the near future, how would you react to the end of the world? Get survivalism tips, learn how to react to natural disasters, prepare for… Continue Reading →

D20 Girls Interview: Cheshire

Per Matt Who, exactly, are the D20 Girls?

Half-Way Point: The Walking Dead – Season Four Midseason Finale

Season Four gets partially wrapped up…

Redbox Rental: World War Z

At what point do you resign yourself to an insurmountable force? One that never seems to end?

The History Channel’s 2012 The End Is Now

According to Brad Meltzer (and The History Channel), The End Is Now. Well, since it’s New Year’s Day of 2013, I thought I’d do a drive-by review of their pseudo documentary that recently aired on TV.

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