Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Here Come The Mummies Get Lively With All Excess

Per Matt The calendar may have technically flipped to November, but Halloween is celebrated year round here, at Zombies In My Blog. In early October, Here Come The Mummies performed a rousing set to a packed house at the Ryman… Continue Reading →

Halloween Arrives Early as Mummies Rock Ryman

October is almost here, so Halloween must be near. That means Here Come The Mummies will be performing very soon, that’s clear!

Previewing Hypericon 11

Creators, makers and performers will unite this weekend to promote the continuation of literacy at Nashville’s popular-arts conference, Hypericon. Taking place at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel from June 17-19, this multi-genre event has something in store for all fandoms.


Per Matt With the recent death of Scott Weiland, it seems like an appropriate time to examine another favorite artist of mine, one whose incredible recordings and time on this Earth were also cut way too short, Amy Winehouse.

Here Come The Mummies Interview: Spaz Mummy

Per Matt On All Hallow’s Eve, the spotlight will be shining brightly on an eight-piece band full of 5,000-year-old rockers who bring terrifying funk from beyond the grave. Here Come The Mummies will headline Lightning 100’s Paranormal Rocktivity concert at… Continue Reading →

Space Dandy Interview with Micah Solusod

Per Matt Micah Solusod is a Dandy of a guy. In a group interview at the 2015 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, Mr. Solusod discussed working as a voice actor on Space Dandy, hints about another possible season of the anime… Continue Reading →

MTAC Interview: Chii Sakurabi

Per Matt At the 2014 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention J-pop singer Chii Sakurabi visited the Media Suite for an interview discussing her latest album, designing traditional Japanese clothing, incorporating a fantasy world into her music and performing a series of… Continue Reading →

Video Games Live Interview: Composer Tommy Tallarico

Per Matt Video Games Live is an interactive art form: It’s part symphonic orchestra, part interactive videogame and part rock concert. As a performance, Video Games Live has been seen by more than one million fans around the world. Currently… Continue Reading →

MTAC Interview: Jennifer Cihi, of Sailor Moon

Jennifer Cihi has an accomplished musical career. She performed on Broadway at age 10, was featured on Nickelodeon’s Roundhouse and has sung jingles for Barbie and Hot Pockets commercials, but many recognize Jennifer Cihi for her vocal talents on the… Continue Reading →

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