Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Clues are Unearthed, But Still No Lost Gold of the Aztecs

Patience is a virtue. Uncovering clues takes time and deciphering them can take even more! As three teams attempt to locate a mysterious treasure that’s seemingly always out of reach, I’m left wondering where is the Lost Gold of the… Continue Reading →

Lost Gold of the Aztecs Feels Like a Game Show

Treasure hunting is an expensive ordeal, one which takes up a lot of precious time and energy. Nobody intends to waste their resources while going on a wild goose chase. For those who are in it to win it, these… Continue Reading →

(Treasure) Hunting for Answers on Oak Island

The secrets of Oak Island have seemingly existed for hundreds of years. According to some, buried treasure lies there (or at least existed there many years ago). Conspiracy theories have linked the location with former slaves, a previous U.S. President, the… Continue Reading →

Is The Curse of Oak Island Any Closer to Being Solved?

If there’s one thing The Curse of Oak Island resolved in the two-hour season finale, it’s that Marty, Rick and the rest of the treasure-hunting crew keep getting closer… but to what? For the most part, the only answers they’re… Continue Reading →

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

Per Matt Move over, Call of Duty. There’s a new king of modern (backyard) warfare.

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