Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag cooperative gameplay

Gun Media’s Texas Chain Saw Massacre Is a Contender for Best Asymmetrical Horror Game

Behavior Interactive is a renowned development studio that has carved its name in the gaming industry with the asymmetrical horror game, Dead by Daylight. Released in 2016, the game quickly gained widespread recognition for its gameplay, pitting a group of… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty’s Excellent 16-Bit Adventure

Per Matt Season 5 of Rick and Morty has arrived, bringing more galactic adventures to our favorite mad scientist and his grandson. The season premiere reveals Rick’s actually got a nemesis who goes by the name of Mr. Nimbus, a… Continue Reading →

Halo Infinite Introduces Escharum

Per Matt Halo Infinite symbolizes where next-generation video games are headed. And with that, comes all-new threats for our hero. But in order to identify where the franchise is headed, we must first take a look back at the series’… Continue Reading →

Jumanji: The Next Level Gets Lost in the Jungle

In 2017, one of the best Robin Williams films, Jumanji, got a much-needed sequel. Yes, a true sequel, unlike the reboots that Hollywood has been pushing out the past few years. The events of the original movie were mentioned in… Continue Reading →

Fireteam Raven Takes Halo Out of the Home Console

Per Matt Fans of sci-fi shooters, rejoice! For the first time ever, there’s a Halo video game available to play within a fully immersible arcade pod that includes a 130-inch panoramic 4K screen with 5.1 surround sound. The dimensions are… Continue Reading →

Friday the 13th: The Game Has Some New Content and a Purple Jason

Welcome back to #Hauntlife. I am your haunting host, Jason, and I am going to give you my review of the new content released on June 20th for Friday the 13th: The Game.

LEGO Lord of the Rings

  What happens when you combine a family-friendly video game with the most profitable film franchise of Middle-Earth?

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