Per Matt A funny thing happened between Season 7 and Season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Real life. While the Coronavirus may have delayed the series’ production schedule pushing back the current season premiere a little later than usual, that wasn’t… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Paranoia, with a side of underlying dread, is a dish best served cold. As in a cold sweat. Like, if you’re attempting to escape a serial killer and you know your enemy is watching, but you can’t see… Continue Reading →
The Big Bang Theory may have shut down production, but CBS’ future fortunes should be tied to Evil.
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Snowpiercer Tackles Social Class with Science Fiction
Bong Joon Ho is no stranger to social structures. As the writer-director of the 2013 feature film, Snowpiercer, and last year’s Oscar-winning Best Picture, Parasite, the filmmaker knows how to make a point while using the science-fiction and horror genres… Continue Reading →