Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag dinos

Ernest Meets Jurassic Park in The Invisible Raptor

I acknowledge that I belong to a niche audience that appreciates absurd horror films, and I have come to terms with this aspect of my identity. I enjoy what some might call B-rated horror films, such as Zombeavers, which I… Continue Reading →

The Jurassic Franchise Finds a Way With Dominion

Per Matt Life may have found a way to survive Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, but the world’s fascination with dinosaurs living among humans in a new millennium will surely fascinate millions more as the end of the franchise’s second trilogy… Continue Reading →

Primal’s Visual Storytelling Racks Up Three Emmy Awards

Dialogue is overrated, right? When it comes to some filmmakers, they can’t have enough witty conversations, despite the depictions of their paper-thin characters. But when it comes to Genndy Tartakovsky’s skills, he can craft more emotion with practically no dialogue,… Continue Reading →

James Cameron Explores Science Fiction (Among Other Genres)

Remember back in the day when people actually bought DVDs, which highlighted incredible supplemental behind-the-scenes documentaries that explored related topics to their subject matter? Those were the best! Clearly I’m not a big collector, as I haven’t bought a DVD… Continue Reading →

Horror Comics are a Family Affair for Andrew Mangum

What if you were married to someone who also worked in the comic book industry? For horror comic illustrator Andrew Mangum, that’s not a “what if” question, the man is living the dream.

Lightning 100 Presents: Paranormal Rocktivity Halloween Bash

Per Matt Nashville’s about to get really funky for Halloween! Lightning 100 presents the Paranormal Rocktivity Halloween Bash on Saturday, October 28 at Marathon Music Works. The Concert will feature Here Come the Mummies and DJ Johny Jackson’s Ghoul Satisfaction.

Small-Town Life Gets Prehistoric in Devon Massey’s Marshville

Riverdale meets Land of the Lost in the Cavewoman comics written and illustrated by Devon Massey.

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