Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag dinoshark

Ernest Meets Jurassic Park in The Invisible Raptor

I acknowledge that I belong to a niche audience that appreciates absurd horror films, and I have come to terms with this aspect of my identity. I enjoy what some might call B-rated horror films, such as Zombeavers, which I… Continue Reading →

The Jurassic Franchise Finds a Way With Dominion

Per Matt Life may have found a way to survive Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, but the world’s fascination with dinosaurs living among humans in a new millennium will surely fascinate millions more as the end of the franchise’s second trilogy… Continue Reading →

Nat Geo’s SharkFest Bites!

Hunt. Kill. Eat or be eaten. What’s a summer without sharks? Since many movie theaters are currently closed to the general public (yet there’s still no sequel to The Meg) and my main source of entertainment being basic cable (not… Continue Reading →

Say It Ain’t So: It’s The Last Sharknado!

The Sharknado franchise uses unconventional storytelling techniques by combining weather catastrophe and monster movie genres to form a survival horror, sci-fi disaster movie that’s become one of the biggest TV movie franchises The Asylum has ever created and Syfy has… Continue Reading →

How to Survive a Sharknado

Per Matt “No matter what we do, it’s too late to stop unnatural disasters. All we can do is survive them.” Just in time for Shark Week, I received my copy of How to Survive a Sharknado. Not a moment… Continue Reading →

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