Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag espinoage

Tetris Plays Nostalgically for Gamers of a Certain Age

Per Matt I have a love-hate relationship with Tetris, the video game. One of the first memories I have with it spawned from my high-school computing class. The little Macintosh black-and-white computer screen welcomed me into its gameplay, much like… Continue Reading →

A Spy Among Friends Celebrates the Intelligence Community

Per Matt Growing up, Spy vs. Spy was one of my favorite features of MAD magazine. Back in the day, I loved the wily White Spy and the bad-ass Black Spy. Each one seemed to be more familiar with their… Continue Reading →

Eva Green Can Do No Wrong in Liaison

Per Matt I’m not gonna lie, I like Eva Green. She’s French and she’s a pretty great actress… oh yeah, she’s very easy to look at, as well. I guess I first laid eyes on her in The Golden Compass,… Continue Reading →

RRR is Probably the Craziest Film I’ve Ever Seen!

Since becoming a film critic, I have found that I love many foreign films. Growing up, the only non-American-made movies I ever watched were anime. I liked many of the films I watched, but I always found it annoying to… Continue Reading →

The Old Man is My Summertime Guilty Pleasure

Per Matt In between each and every blockbuster film that has been released during the summer season, I grew a little bored. While the anticipation for each one was there, they were all fun to watch in their own ways,… Continue Reading →

Nic Cage, as Nick Cage, Brings Unbearable Weight to Performance

Per Matt What’s the most accurate description of a zany, meta flick that eventually spins out of control, featuring Nicolas Cage as Nick Cage? Asking for a friend.

Pennyworth Prepares For Stateside Adventures

Per Matt After double-dipping into spy thriller and revenge fantasy genres last year, EPIX brings back Pennyworth for a second season with a whole new objective: It’s finally time for Alfie and his ragtag crew to export their very specific… Continue Reading →

12 oz. Mouse Proves That Adult Swim Should Revive Original Programming

Per Matt A green talking mouse caught in a world of espionage that enjoys drinking beer. If that brief summary doesn’t ring a bell, there’s a decent chance you’ve never watched 12 oz. Mouse. Airing 15-minute-long episodes on Cartoon Network’s… Continue Reading →

Is The Gifted FOX’s Answer to ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

In geek film and television media, specifically live-action programs based on graphic novels or superhero comic books, if you prefer, we are living in a Platinum Age. With extraordinary special effects and A-list acting talent, not to mention great writing,… Continue Reading →

The Arrestingly Entertaining Tale of Barry Seal: American Made

Thank goodness the Tom Cruise-fronted, Doug Liman-directed smuggler story, American Made, wasn’t called Mena.

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