Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag experienced performers

The End is Imperfect, But Memorable

Years ago, I had a dream so vivid it felt like reality. In this unsettling scenario, my morning began like any other — except my favorite drink, a crisp white can of Monster Energy Zero, was nowhere to be found…. Continue Reading →

This is a Film About The Black Keys Closes the Nashville Film Festival

I am a big fan of origin stories. I really enjoy learning the history of a character or a real-life person who rises to the challenges that may face them within their lives who ultimately becomes something great. Recently, origin… Continue Reading →

Nashville Film Festival: They All Came Out to Montreux

The 55th Nashville Film Festival is taking place from Sept. 19 to Sept. 25, showcasing more than 150 films from around the world. The festival aims to celebrate the evolution of cinema and art by featuring works from filmmakers, screenwriters… Continue Reading →

Black & Blues Documents Louis Armstrong’s Melodious Memoirs

Per Matt You may have heard that Louis Armstrong was labeled as the founding father of jazz music. He’s also been described as the “greatest influence” of the genre. Throughout his career, he was a trumpeter, a singer, a performer,… Continue Reading →

Tár Makes Me Think of Jeepers Creepers

Separating art from the artist, that is something fans of all genres have been trying to process since the dawn of time. As a horror fan, my first thought when hearing that statement is the film series, Jeepers Creepers. Writer/director… Continue Reading →

The Al Yankovic Story is Just as Weird as Its Subject

Who doesn’t love some “Weird Al” Yankovic? As I write this, I start thinking that I will get some social-media anger from the haters. (It’s inevitable, as a vast pool of people just has nothing better to do in life.)… Continue Reading →

Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story is a Love Letter to Louisiana

Per Matt Jazz music can be rock and roll, but it can also include rhythm and blues, funk, gospel and soul. Jazz is all of this and more. As a style, it is all encompassing. Originating within the United States,… Continue Reading →

Musical Animals Are Back in Style with Sing 2

Being a dad of a 7-year-old future diva, I find myself watching way more cartoons and family oriented content than I am used to. Growing up, I watched all sorts of weird stuff. Anyone who has read these blog posts… Continue Reading →

Tina Guo’s Electric Cello Highlights Game On!

If you think you hear The Legend of Zelda theme song being played overhead in your favorite retail bookstore or coffee shop, don’t worry, you’re not going crazy. That’s just the music of Tina Guo. What’s more, she’s playing the… Continue Reading →

Glamour Geek Revue Interview: Talloolah Love

Per Matt Dragon Con 2013 offers a burlesque variety show that reveals a wide-range of characters!

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