Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag extreme survivalist group

War of the Worlds: An Epic, Low-Tech Disaster Story

Per Matt The aliens have arrived and they’re on a mission to wipe out the entire human race. While that synopsis may sound exactly like The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells, that’s only the beginning for the adapted… Continue Reading →

Fear Returns With Hope in Season 5

The Zombie Apocalypse uncovers a shroud of hope as Fear The Walking Dead’s Season 5 preview trailer reveals all-new adventures for our survivors.

Previewing Season 9 of The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead prepares for major changes with the upcoming Season 9 as new characters arrive, firmly established characters leave… and there’s also horseback rides involved!

Will Zombieland 2 Write All-New Rules for Horror Sequels?

With the official announcement that Zombieland 2 has gotten the greenlight, we’re wondering if Director Ruben Fleischer will write all-new rules for horror sequels? Or will he merely prove 10 years later, that all sequels suck?

Enjoying the Silence of A Quiet Place

I’ve never heard a movie theater so tense and quiet. A hush was over the rest of the audience, as if the slightest sound could doom the characters on screen. Then something would happen, the tension would break, everyone in… Continue Reading →

Day of the Dead: Bloodline — Some Films Are Better Off Dead

Day of the Dead has never been my favorite Romero Zombie film by any stretch of the imagination, but I still consider it an integral part of the franchise and a good film. There were some original concepts and characters… Continue Reading →

Fear The Walking Dead Preps For a New Terror

Fear The Walking Dead returned last night with an intriguing storyline for Season 3. In the two-hour season premiere, the main characters are no longer biding their time on a boat or being holed up in an ocean-side hotel. Now… Continue Reading →

“The apocalypse is coming. Maybe not tomorrow… maybe never. But it’s coming. And soon.”

This screen-grab is from The Simpsons episode Adventures in Baby-Getting.

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