Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag food poisoning

Tin & Tina is a Psychological Parental Nightmare

In this digital era, locating a movie tailored to your immediate preference has become exceptionally straightforward. For instance, if you’re making a romantic dinner and planning to watch a film with the object of your affection, a quick visit to… Continue Reading →

Gotham Knights May Be The CW’s Best Superhero Show, Yet

The CW Network has been a bountiful harvest for comic book fans for the past decade. Starting with the Arrow series, the channel has expanded upon the DC comic book world, creating what is now known as the Arrowverse. Additionally,… Continue Reading →

Scream’s Shock Doc Brings True Terror to the Film Franchise

Shock Doc Sundays has a nice ring to it, especially when they air after the awards season, during the brief dead zone for major sporting events — that’s after the Super Bowl ends, but before Major League Baseball begins. If… Continue Reading →

Jon Favreau, Hans Zimmer and Sir David Attenborough Get Prehistoric

Per Matt One day, Jon Favreau, Hans Zimmer and Sir David Attenborough walked into a bar together. After visiting with each other for a few minutes, they compared dream projects and began pondering what it would be like to work… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Welcomes Rosemary’s Baby Vibes With Madres

Per Matt A Spanish-flavored horror film? Welcome to the Blumhouse brings some variety with the Season 2 release, Madres!

Raising Children During the Zombie Apocalypse? You’re Only Dead on the Inside!

Per Matt Fear. Terror. And worthless debit cards. These are only a few things to worry about when the undead wreak havoc during the Zombie Apocalypse. Then there’s a whole new set of rules for raising your children during this… Continue Reading →

Game On! Thrones is Back and Better Than Ever!

Shall we begin? A Song of Fire and Ice is heating up and winter has definitely come for the House of Frey. Episode 701, the 61st, of HBO’s Game of Thrones debuted Sunday, July 16. Entitled “Dragonstone” the episode is… Continue Reading →

GoT Season 7 Premiere: Revenge, Survival and the Fluctuation of Power

“When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.”

Something Incredible Happened on Fear The Walking Dead

Forget all that you previously knew about Fear The Walking Dead. This season has been a total shocker that will totally change your perception of the TV show.

Catching Cooties: An Infectious Film

Per Matt Circle, circle, dot, dot, now you’ve got your Cooties shot. That imaginary vaccination won’t prevent a food-borne virus from reaching pandemic levels, turning every third- and fourth-grade student in Ft. Chicken, Illinois into undead terrors, but it’s a… Continue Reading →

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