Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters


The Similarities of Pro Wrestling and Movies Are Many

Besides being an uber horror movie fan, I am a professional wrestling mark. From an early age, I have been enamored with the storytelling the business offers. The writers and producers who work behind the scenes come up with stories… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Gives the Evil Eye to Horror Fans

Per Matt The best type of stories involve mysterious characters, dark family secrets and at least one character who can see through the haze that’s clouding the vision of everyone else in order to combat true evil. And those that… Continue Reading →

Pure Terror? Blumhouse’s Hunt is Pure Garbage.

Per Matt I tried. I really tried to watch The Hunt with an open mind at a recent media-only screening, because I have been a loud-and-proud supporter of everything related to Blumhouse Productions from the studio’s beginnings, as Paranormal Activity… Continue Reading →

Deadly Mistakes and A Rockin’ Punk Doc: 2019 Nashville Film Festival

Per Matt When attending an iconic event for the very first time, there’s always going to be some sense of nervousness until you finally get situated. But when you’re attending the Nashville Film Festival, which is currently celebrating its 50th… Continue Reading →

Is a Legion-Gifted Crossover Remotely Possible?

As more and more mutants seem to get killed off this season on The Gifted, one question gets constantly asked: Is a Legion–Gifted crossover remotely possible?

The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling are Back for Round Two

If you haven’t seen GLOW, what are you waiting for? GLOW is the binge of the summer. It’s got nostalgia, romance, crazy costumes, fun storylines and female wrestling. Season 2 starts off at the beginning of the show’s second season…. Continue Reading →

GLOW Delivers Hits and Misses for Netflix

Welcome back to #HauntLife. This week, I am going to give my thoughts on the Netflix series, GLOW. Yes… GLOW. I know, you probably are wondering what this has to do with haunting and horror and such. But just ignore… Continue Reading →

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