Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 – Faith

Just in time for Halloween, Telltale Games releases the perfect wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Redbox Rental: World War Z

At what point do you resign yourself to an insurmountable force? One that never seems to end?

Cosplay Deviants Interview: Hex Hypoxia

Per Matt Hex Hypoxia is a little fiendish.

Redbox Rental: The Amazing Adventures of the Living Corpse

It’s not too often you get to watch an animated horror movie about Zombies… and there’s probably a good reason for it.

Redbox Rental: The Collection

The Collection comes from the minds of the Saw film franchise. But is it any good?

Fatality Fest Interview: Andrea Amanda Albin, Owner of ADA Management Group

Per My Brother Andrea Amanda Albin has made a name for herself in the horror industry. After being introduced to the genre at a very young age, she worked as a horror journalist and was named Ms. Disgusting on the… Continue Reading →

Redbox Rental: The Fields

FULL DISCLOSURE: I grew up in the country. My house was about 150 years old, while I lived there, surrounded by miles of fields, which my cousin farms to this day, for my family. Growing up, I had one recurring… Continue Reading →

Marvel Zombies: The Covers

It’s always nice to open the packaging of a new book. Even nicer when it’s a hardback. And supremely sweet when it was purchased for $3 and it’s Marvel Zombies: The Covers!

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