Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Hamish Linklater

Batman: Caped Crusader Explores the Depth of a New Gotham

As a lifelong fan of Batman: The Animated Series, I find myself sharing the same excitement I felt as a child with my daughter as we watch it together. The show’s timeless appeal lies in its masterful storytelling, compelling characters… Continue Reading →

Legion Embraces Its Final Chapter

Series Finales can be tricky things. Fans expect to have all their questions regarding their favorite TV shows answered and each of their favorite characters neatly wrapped up within a limited amount of time, while filmmakers, at times, simply use… Continue Reading →

Legion Takes a Far-Out Mindtrip for Season 3

How does a TV show advance its storyline once it invokes a time traveler, who will simply remove any updates? Much like past seasons’ questions of Legion, how do you show repercussions on a show when almost everything is happening… Continue Reading →

Legion’s Last Stand

The Best Superhero Show on TV Wraps Up After Three Years.

Good or Bad? Legion’s Second Season is Both!

What makes a good villain? What happens when the hero turns bad and the villain becomes good? These questions are posed at different times during Season 2 of Legion, but good vs. bad can also describe the show’s second season,… Continue Reading →

Legion is Mind-Alteringly Good

For the past 17 years or so, the Marvel brand has exploded onto both the big and small screen. Netflix and Disney have shared most of the MCU pie with The Avengers, The Defenders and everyone in between. But one… Continue Reading →

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