Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag haunted woods

Evil Does Not Exist… Or Does It?

Japan understands Mother Nature. If you’ve ever watched an anime by Hayao Miyazaki, you’d easily recognize that being one with your environment is something very important within Japanese culture. Taking ownership in not ruining your environment is a topic that… Continue Reading →

A Classic Horror Story Creates Creepy Crawlies in Any Language

Per Matt A broken-down RV in the middle of a European forest. No phone service for this group of ride-sharing tourists. An isolated cabin in the woods that is filled with creepy pictures. Hungry, blood-lusting villagers are somehow connected to… Continue Reading →

Shock Docs Declares: This Is Halloween!

With apologies to John Lennon, so this is Halloween… it’s the best time of year. And what have you done? But spread spooky cheer. I hope you have fun, to the old and the young. Shock Docs proclaims, this is… Continue Reading →

The Haunted South: Where Ghosts Still Roam

Per Matt True-life tales of terror tend to thrill me more than fake ones, as the truth is usually stranger than fiction. This is the reason why, once I randomly located The Haunted South: Where Ghosts Still Roam, written by… Continue Reading →

What Will Haunted Houses Look Like During the COVID Pandemic?

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of things that we take for granted, here in the USA, to change. Movie theaters have been closed for months. Hollywood is paused. Outdoor activities and gatherings have been cancelled. Even the simple… Continue Reading →

How Accurate is History’s Project Blue Book?

In a world where the truth is out there, but exaggerations definitely pay the bills, History’s Project Blue Book somehow falls between the cracks.

Haunted Live Proves That Real-Time TV Can Be Difficult

When it comes to paranormal television shows, I want to believe… but I’m still skeptical. Usually, I’m in it for the haunted history and entertainment value, but I take it with a grain of salt. So, when the Travel Channel… Continue Reading →

The Impossible Haunt Tour: Four Haunted Houses in One Night

Welcome back to a new episode of the blog I like to call #HauntLife. This week, I am going to explain what the Impossible Haunt Tour is, and why my wife is very happy with the results. And no, it’s… Continue Reading →

Nashville Haunted Woods Opens For Its Inaugural Season

Greetings folks and welcome back to another episode of #HauntLife. This week, I am going to preview Nashville Haunted Woods at Priest Lake, the newest outdoor haunted attraction to hit the Middle Tennessee area. Before I go any further, though,… Continue Reading →

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