In 1979, the world was introduced to Ridley Scott’s extraterrestrial nightmare film, Alien. Ever since then, horror moviegoers have used the film as the gold standard for space-based horror. While Alien was truly a great and ground-breaking film, as time… Continue Reading →
Per Matt During these harrowing times of the COVID-19 pandemic, I turn to survival horror in order to somehow make it through the day. So, I was actually looking forward to finally watching Redcon-1, a British Zombie movie that was… Continue Reading →
There’s something about horror films taking place in the pioneer days that just makes them all the more creepy. It could be that you know the victims are truly cut off from society, with only those in their general vicinity… Continue Reading →
A storm’s a brewing on Fear The Walking Dead and it’s not just the developing storyline in Season 4.
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