It’s fairly rare that I give a film one star. Normally, I save such ratings for films that are gimmicky, low-budget indie films. The writing has to be so far off that watching the film is torture. While Truth or… Continue Reading →
Day of the Dead has never been my favorite Romero Zombie film by any stretch of the imagination, but I still consider it an integral part of the franchise and a good film. There were some original concepts and characters… Continue Reading →
Independent comics meet indie filmmakers as Team Troma visited the Comic Book Men for a grueling casting call in the recent episode, “Troma-tized!”
As a fan of horror films, is it odd that I felt like a winner last night, too, as horror films cleaned up at the 2018 Oscars? Horror films are often overlooked when it comes to award shows and particularly… Continue Reading →
I’ve spent three weeks — three freaking weeks — agonizing over how to write up an article about my picks for the best horror of 2017. With two films that would classically be considered as horror by the elite of… Continue Reading →
Warning: There are spoilers. And no, I’m not going to feel bad about it.
Women in Horror Month rolls around every February and with it every year, we have the opportunity to showcase women in horror and encourage other women to participate. For more information on events held throughout the United States and internationally,… Continue Reading →
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