Fear The Walking Dead began with a blast — or should I say, crash? — for Season 5 as a plane crash, a double cross, a denim factory, Max Headroom and a blast from the past all prepare our heroes… Continue Reading →
“Whoa, so you’re like the “Winter Soldier?” Aziz Ansari’s character, Dev, asks his hot date, after she remarks how much metal is in arm after surgery from a car accident. “Who’s that?” she asks, and he launches into a long-winded… Continue Reading →
Being a real-life Indiana Jones, Josh Gates gets to travel the world and attempt to solve different mysteries and explore the unexplained in Expedition Unknown.
Ahoy! Spoilers! We begin, not with a barn burning, but with a barn beating! Who needs a Presidential Debate? Let’s debate liberal policies! Save the kid who just tried to kill us? Sure!
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City of Angels Brings Folklore, Conspiracies and Cults to Penny Dreadful
Per Matt As soon as a prophecy declares that “a time will come when race will devour race, when brother will kill brother, until not a soul is left” in the Penny Dreadful season premiere, “Santa Muerte,” I knew I… Continue Reading →