Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Blair Witch Frightens a New Generation

Per Matt Halloween horror arrives early as the Blair Witch returns to frighten audiences like it was 1999.

A Tame Second Visit by the Neighbors

Per Matt Knocked Up. Superbad. Pineapple Express. This is the End. The Night Before. When you think of a “Seth Rogen film,” what comes to mind? A raunchy comedy with a side of illegal drugs can generally sum up the… Continue Reading →

Wicked City

There’s plenty of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll to go along with the ’80s flair of ABC’s new procedural drama, Wicked City.

Previewing Walker Stalker Con Atlanta

Per Matt With Halloween on the horizon and The Walking Dead returning to television, Zombies of all types take the center stage. Happening on October 17th to 19th, Walker Stalker Con is a fan convention in Atlanta that will be… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Interview: Jeremy Ambler

Per Matt Jeremy Ambler knows a thing or two (or three) about the undead.

The Walking Dead: Pretty Much Dead Already

And so, the “Mid-Season Finale” has come to a close. What a stupid title. All it means is new episodes won’t air until February. The show is still filming and production is still running. So, until then, I’ll do a… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: Chupacabra

SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! ———————————————— Nerd Alert! Nerd Alert! Full Disclosure: I’m an avid fan of the Coast to Coast AM radio program. I’ve heard tons of tall tales about the Chupacabra, and half expected to see a CGI creature running… Continue Reading →

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