Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag MI6

Secret Invasion Should Awaken Marvel’s Small-Screen Success

The ninth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Secret Invasion, set to premiere on Disney+ on June 21st. Typically, I begin my reviews by providing some background on the comic book source material and delving into a comparison between… Continue Reading →

A Spy Among Friends Celebrates the Intelligence Community

Per Matt Growing up, Spy vs. Spy was one of my favorite features of MAD magazine. Back in the day, I loved the wily White Spy and the bad-ass Black Spy. Each one seemed to be more familiar with their… Continue Reading →

No Time to Die is a Tearful End for the Daniel Craig Era of James Bond

There are very few times in cinematic history that have caused me to shed tears. I get wrapped up in movies, but I almost always have a disconnect between myself and the characters. Occasionally, I get wrapped up in the… Continue Reading →

OK, Debris, You’ve Hooked Me!

I’ve had a sketchy history with network television science fiction throughout the years. Ever since The X-Files originally wrapped production in 2001, I’ve been hesitant to dive headfirst into a new series. So many of them just haven’t been great,… Continue Reading →

Godzilla: King of the Monsters Misses the Mark

Imagine, as a monster-film fan, hearing that some of the biggest names in the genre are going to combine into one epic movie to crown the true king of the monsters. Imagine hearing legendary names like Godzilla, Rhodan, King Ghidorah… Continue Reading →

Deep State Takes a Deep Look at the Politics of Intelligence

Per Matt Headline news inundates us with 24-hour news cycles of violence, government conspiracies and global politics. Such is the backbone of Deep State, which highlights the motivations of global elected officials, the fallout from their actions and all the… Continue Reading →

Charlize Theron Out Cools James Bond in Atomic Blonde

Atomic Blonde is based on The Coldest City, a graphic novel written by Antony Johnston. The film is pulpy and retro, basically exactly what you would expect from a graphic novel adaption. It opens with a clip of Reagan, neon lighting… Continue Reading →

What Happened to James Bond?

Per Matt Based on Ian Fleming’s novels and short stories, the James Bond movie franchise has endured for 53 years, grossing more than $6 billion to date. But with the release of Spectre, the film franchise seems to be heading… Continue Reading →

Redbox Rental: Skyfall

Per Matt I can’t seem to leave you, Bond. Even when I try. Inevitably, I return.

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