Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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My Guilty Pleasure: Blood Fest

Are horror fans really afraid of the dark? More importantly, would they be able to accurately follow the rules of the genre in order to survive homicidal maniacs, vampires, killer clowns and Zombies on the prowl for blood? Fandoms, pop-culture… Continue Reading →

Mummy Impossible: Franchise Starter

Stephen King’s book, Danse Macabre, is a fascinating take on writing, horror and society. He begins the book by offering three main archetypes. There is the werewolf, the vampire and the thing without a name. He spends much of the next… Continue Reading →

Spider-Man: Homecoming — A Trailer With Roots

Peter Parker is back to his comic book roots with a modern-day feel in this summer’s Spider-Man: Homecoming. The latest trailer simplifies and adds more complexities to the life of the Marvel Comics mainstay.

Why Negan is Not Scary and Neither is The Walking Dead

I’m one of the few people who doesn’t particularly like The Walking Dead. Quite honestly, I didn’t make it through the first season before I was bored to tears with the show. Almost no actual horror, very little motivation to… Continue Reading →

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has seen limitless bounds. Captain America became the first hero to convert from comic book pages to the big screen back in 1944, and since Blade came along in 1998, a superhero trend has escalated in… Continue Reading →

Too Many Flashbacks in The Walking Dead!

Per Matt Robert Kirkman has famously mentioned that he created The Walking Dead as if it was a never-ending Zombie movie. Originally created as a graphic novel, The Walking Dead has become a pop-culture phenomenon and the highest-rated program on… Continue Reading →

The Flash Returns with Promise

The Flash returned to the CW for its second season promising a return to the fast-paced, over-the-top superhero adventures of the Scarlet Speedster. While most of Season 1 felt like a sprint, the second-season premiere feels like a warm-up lap… Continue Reading →

Cemetery Punishment Freaks out JV Football Team

Re-posted from MARCELLUS, N.Y. —  The coach of a junior varsity football team has been suspended for making his players lie down in a central New York cemetery in an effort to motivate them after a loss. The superintendent… Continue Reading →

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