Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag movie rights

Tetris Plays Nostalgically for Gamers of a Certain Age

Per Matt I have a love-hate relationship with Tetris, the video game. One of the first memories I have with it spawned from my high-school computing class. The little Macintosh black-and-white computer screen welcomed me into its gameplay, much like… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Productions Must Release Another Compendium of Horror!

Per Matt As All Hallows’ Eve grows ever closer and the spooky season simply seems way too short, Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror comes to a head. But why must this be the conclusion for such a great limited series? Now,… Continue Reading →

The Top 10 Must-See Shudder Movies for Halloween

Halloween is upon us again. In years past, it has been my favorite time of year. As I worked in the haunted-attractions business for so long, it feels awkward not to be a part of one this year (I had… Continue Reading →

Hidden Horror Gem: Shark Bait

It’s much too late to discuss Shark Week. Already missed out on Sharkfest, too. And even though it’s a little early for Halloween, there’s definitely enough time to go back into the water one more time before the temperature drops…. Continue Reading →

Netflix Gives Texas Chainsaw Massacre a Facelift

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise has had its ups and downs. I don’t think anyone would disagree that the original 1974 classic is one of the best films in the horror genre. In a lot of ways, Tobe Hooper’s movie… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Interview: Michael Golden

Per Matt Recognized as one of the best in the superhero and Zombie realms, it may be shocking to reveal that Michael Golden is not a big fan of either comic-book genre. At Wizard World Comic Con Nashville, we spoke… Continue Reading →

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