Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag movie theatres

The Northman is Brutal, But Anya is Brilliant!

Per Matt When you’re depicting an action-drama historical film that focuses on a medieval Scandinavian legend, which itself is the direct inspiration of Prince Hamlet’s character, you’ve got a great start. But when the movie in question is The Northman,… Continue Reading →

Moonfall Truly is a Disaster Film

Roland Emmerich’s new sci-fi film, Moonfall, may have a pretty big cast full of A-list names, but that only will take a film so far. Kinda surprising to me, as I looked over this cast list long before checking this… Continue Reading →

Westerns Rack Up Major Awards for the Music City Film Critics

Per Matt NASHVILLE, Tenn. – January 25, 2022 – The Music City Film Critics’ Association is proud to announce its winners of the MCFCA 2022 Film Awards. The association is comprised of more than 30 professional film critics working in… Continue Reading →

As a Requel, Scream Doesn’t Cut Deep

Per Matt Twenty-six years is a long time for a killer movie franchise to survive. I mean, L-O-N-G. New blood is necessary when trying to remain innovative within the horror genre for such a timespan, especially when it comes to… Continue Reading →

The 2021 Noms are in for the Music City Film Critics…

Per Matt The Power of the Dog leads the way with 10 nominations for the Music City Film Critics’ Association’s 2022 Film Awards. Jane Campion’s Western secures the most-ever nominations for a film in the history of the MCFCA.

Spider-Man: No Way Home vs. The Matrix Resurrections! Stud vs. Dud?

The Christmas holiday for 2021 has come and passed, and while many were spending time with family and friends, the Kittrell house continued its tradition of hanging out at our local movie theater. With the week leading up to Christmas… Continue Reading →

The French Dispatch is Wes Anderson’s Ode to Yesteryear

Per Matt Wes Anderson is a quirky filmmaker. That isn’t exactly breaking news. He’s built up quite a fan club throughout the years, including both cinema aficionados and actors among the ranks. His films have been described as eccentric character… Continue Reading →

Musical Animals Are Back in Style with Sing 2

Being a dad of a 7-year-old future diva, I find myself watching way more cartoons and family oriented content than I am used to. Growing up, I watched all sorts of weird stuff. Anyone who has read these blog posts… Continue Reading →

Neo-Noir Nightmare Alley is Deliciously del Toro Minus the Supernatural

Per Matt Just in case you’re one of the few moviegoers who wanted to see something new other than Spider-Man: No Way Home, you’re in luck. Guillermo del Toro’s Nightmare Alley also premiered this week and if you’ve seen any… Continue Reading →

Hawkeye Aims to Reinvigorate the MCU

Per Matt Hawkeye’s got no superpowers. No super suit to send him flying high into the air. He’s not from an alien planet. And he’s not even the most popular Avenger. But here’s Jeremy Renner, starring in the latest Marvel… Continue Reading →

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