Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag multiple personality disorder

Musings of Watching 48 Hours of The X-Files

Per Matt Mulder. Scully. Episodes from the Good Old Days, even better than you remember them. Somehow, by accident, I found 48 Hours of The X-Files airing on BBC America and my mind started to wander to what could have been… Continue Reading →

Good or Bad? Legion’s Second Season is Both!

What makes a good villain? What happens when the hero turns bad and the villain becomes good? These questions are posed at different times during Season 2 of Legion, but good vs. bad can also describe the show’s second season,… Continue Reading →

Legion: What Exactly Happened in Season 1?

After binge watching Legion and re-watching many of those same eight episodes of Season 1 a second time, I’m still unsure of the show’s canon and what was a figment of the main character’s imagination, but it sure was great…. Continue Reading →

Joker’s Wild: Joaquin Phoenix as the New Joker?

Joaquin Phoenix is the new face of the Joker — unofficially. The public gets a new incarnation of the Joker to grace the silver screen with each actor cast. The much-lauded method actor will bring a unique interpretation to the… Continue Reading →

Split: A Movie With Personality

How do I review a film where the main points are a secret? It’s hard, because the nuances of this film lie in the amazing twist that will have fans craving for more… but that’s for another article. For now,… Continue Reading →

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