I had five seconds to make a choice, a life-or-death decision, one that would affect a friend and myself for eternity. The purple bar shortened, indicating the time left. I pressed the button quickly, damning that character to a tortuous… Continue Reading →
No TV show surprised me more last season than Lucifer. Loosely (very loosely) based on the DC comics character, Lucifer follows Lucifer Morningstar, the devil himself, as he lives a life of luxury in LA. No longer content to be the… Continue Reading →
A little over 17 years ago, The Blair Witch Project hit theaters and went on to earn more than 330 times its sub-million-dollar budget at the box office. The movie has become a standout success in the horror genre.
Ten minutes passed after the game concluded and I couldn’t stop thinking about my choices and their ramifications. I looked at the screen as it displayed my key decisions compared to the thousands of others who’ve already played through Episode… Continue Reading →
This summer is just littered with gifts of good geeky movies rising above the cynicism and low expectations. Star Trek Beyond is the latest to do just that. It’s not perfect, of course, but it certainly tops the prior installment’s… Continue Reading →
When the first entry in the new series of Star Trek films hit theaters in 2009, it was was a much-needed breath of fresh air. By simultaneously serving as a sequel, prequel and reboot to the franchise, it made Trek… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Now that the relentless hype train has finally been derailed and the dust has settled on the tracks, just a bit, it’s time to take a hard look at this year’s abbreviated season of The X-Files. After 14 years, the best… Continue Reading →
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