Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Nashville Film Festival: They All Came Out to Montreux

The 55th Nashville Film Festival is taking place from Sept. 19 to Sept. 25, showcasing more than 150 films from around the world. The festival aims to celebrate the evolution of cinema and art by featuring works from filmmakers, screenwriters… Continue Reading →

Who Is Negan?

There can’t be a war without any casualties and one of the best villains of The Walking Dead Universe who provides plenty of those is Negan. But, who is this character, really?

Welcome Back, BattleBots!

Back for a second season, it’s finally robot-fighting time!

Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show Blew My Mind… Again!

From March 17th – 20th, the beautiful city of St Louis, MO, was the home for one of the most-anticipated annual events for most haunters. I call it many things: My vacation, my haunters holiday and my Christmas in March. But… Continue Reading →

Remembering The X-Files

Per Matt Very rarely — if ever — a TV show will arrive at just the right time that speaks to an entire generation. With elements of science fiction, horror, fantasy, mystery, intrigue, drama and even romance, The X-Files sparked… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Robert Kirkman, David Alpert and Norman Reedus take a break from their usual undead duties in order to take a breath of fresh Air.

The Walking Dead Omnibus #4

It’s a new year and that means it’s time to focus on Zombies, once again!

Redbox Rental: The World’s End

Per Matt: Can you imagine a movie that combines an alien invasion with nonstop alcohol? I’d drink to that!

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