The ninth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Secret Invasion, set to premiere on Disney+ on June 21st. Typically, I begin my reviews by providing some background on the comic book source material and delving into a comparison between… Continue Reading →
As the end of the world looms large, Jesse Custer’s focus is stronger than ever to meet up with God to talk some things out, as Jesus Christ negotiates with Adolf Hitler the rules of Armageddon in the final season… Continue Reading →
This isn’t your ordinary Batman, unless you’re an avid reader of the earliest of Batman comics. Batman: The Telltale Series is based on Bob Kane and Bill Finger’s Batman. If you haven’t researched, allow me to save you some time…. Continue Reading →
Finally, I was the hero I wanted to be. It took a few episodes, but I did things as Batman I’ve wanted to do the entire series. Batman – The Telltale Series Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham lives up to… Continue Reading →
Spoiler Alert — Contains details related to the overall plot of Batman: The Telltale Series.
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